home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;;+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
- ;;+ + + +
- ;;+ + This is the beginning of the H221 transmit state machine + +
- ;;+ + + +
- ;;+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +
- ;;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- ;list ; enable transmit state listing
- ;;***************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* transmit state 0 : This state is the first in the *
- ;;* H221 transmit sequence for each submultiframe and *
- ;;* multiframe stage. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 20/9/90 & 15/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 & 1.1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************
- ;; Data Storage structure required ; tx_ref_count_ptr ds 1
- ; tx_0_val dc 15
- ; dc 1120
- ; dc 0
- ; mf_count_store ds 1
- ; mf_count ds 1
- tx_state_0 move #tx_ref_count_ptr,r3 ; restore current isdn count
- ; compare pointer
- move x:isdn_count_tx,b ; current transmit count in b
- move x:(r3)+,r2 ; restore count ptr for state
- move x:(r3)+,y0 ; mf max. count in y0 for later
- move x:(r3)+,y1 ; term. alarm ref. count in y1
- move x:(r2)+n2,x1 x:(r3)+,x0 ; mf count disabled tx in x0
- ; submultiframe ref count in x1
- tst b x:(r3)+,a ; is the tx count zero
- ; get last mf count value in a
- bne <not_end_mf ; to allow first entry into
- ; state machine
- move #tx_count,r2 ; restore smf count pointer
- move x:(r3),a ; recall last mf count value
- dec24 a x:(r2)+n2,x1 ; decrement multiframe count
- tmi y0,a ; is result negative ? if yes
- ; restore max. count. & update
- move x:control_word,y0 ; reference count value in x1
- bftstl #$0004,y0 ; store updated count
- tcs x0,a ; multiframe counting enabled ?
- ; no then load a with 0
- move a1,x:(r3) ; store new mf count value
- not_end_mf cmp x1,b ; end of odd smframe yet ?
- bne <end_tx_0 ; no, then finish state
- cmp y1,b ; terminal alarm bit count in y1
- bne <not_term_alarm ; if not same count then branch
- move x:is_shft,b ; term alarm count true, remove
- ror b ; current tx byte lsb & replace
- move x:control_word,x0 ; test terminal alarm bit in
- bftsth #$0040,x0 ; control word
- bra <end_alarm_tx ; finish current state
- not_term_alarm move x:is_shft,b ; H221 being enabled then remove
- ror b ; current tx byte lsb and relace
- bftsth #$0001,a1 ; with H221 multiframe count bit
- end_alarm_tx rol b ; rotate carry into b1 lsb
- move b1,x:is_shft ; store updated isdn byte
- asr a (r3)- ; shift mf word in preparation
- move a1,x:(r3) ; for the next submultiframe
- ; dec r3 to point at
- ; x:mf_count_store & store
- ; shifted count
- move #faw_state_a,r1 ; new next state
- move r2,x:tx_ref_count_ptr ; store pointer
- end_tx_0 rts
- ;;***************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Frame Alignment State : This state transmits *
- ;;* the frame alignment bits, in order, for each even *
- ;;* frame of the H221 recommendation. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 20/9/90 & 15/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 & 1.1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************
- faw_state_a move #faw_state_0,r1
- move #faw_state_1,x0
- move x0,x:faw_state_ptr
- faw_state_0 move x:faw_state_ptr,r3 ; restore faw tx ptr into r3
- move #is_shft,r2 ; current isdn tx byte
- jsr r3 ; next faw tx state
- move r3,x:faw_state_ptr ; store next faw state ptr
- rts
- faw_state_1 move #faw_state_2,r3 ; next faw state
- bfclr #$0001,x:(r2) ; clear the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_2 move #faw_state_3,r3 ; next faw state
- bfclr #$0001,x:(r2) ; clear the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_3 move #faw_state_4,r3 ; next faw state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; set the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_4 move #faw_state_5,r3 ; next faw state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; set the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_5 move #faw_state_6,r3 ; next faw state
- bfclr #$0001,x:(r2) ; clear the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_6 move #faw_state_7,r3 ; next faw state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; set the current isdn lsb
- rts
- faw_state_7 move #bas_state_a,r1 ; next state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; set the current isdn lsb
- rts
- ;;***************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Bas State : This state takes the decoded *
- ;;* bit-rate-allocation signal and transmits the BAS *
- ;;* code into its relevant position within the H221 *
- ;;* structure. The BAS data should be stored in the *
- ;;* following format : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b *
- ;;* MSB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a a a a a *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <------- storage word --------> *
- ;;* BAS_DATA *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 21/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***************************************************************
- bas_state_a move #bas_state_0,r1 ; new next state
- move #bas_state_1,x0 ; set up subroutine pointers
- move x0,x:bas_state_ptr
- bas_state_0 move x:bas_state_ptr,r3 ; recall pointer
- move x:is_shft,a ; current isdn byte in a
- ror a ; rotate lsb into carry
- move x:bas_data,x0 ; get current BAS word
- jsr r3 ; jump to latest BAS tx state
- rol a ; rotate test result into
- ; isdn data lsb
- move a1,x:is_shft ; restore isdn byte
- move r3,x:bas_state_ptr ; store next subroutine ptr
- rts
- bas_state_1 move #bas_state_2,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0001,x0 ; test BAS lsb
- rts
- bas_state_2 move #bas_state_3,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0008,x0 ; test BAS b3
- rts
- bas_state_3 move #bas_state_4,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0004,x0 ; test BAS b2
- rts
- bas_state_4 move #bas_state_5,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0002,x0 ; test BAS b1
- rts
- bas_state_5 move #bas_state_6,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0020,x0 ; test BAS b5
- rts
- bas_state_6 move #bas_state_7,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0010,x0 ; test BAS b4
- rts
- bas_state_7 move #bas_state_8,r3 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0040,x0 ; test BAS b6
- rts
- bas_state_8 move #erc_calc_0,r1 ; new next state
- bftsth #$0080,x0 ; test BAS msb
- rts
- ;;***********************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Erc Calc State 0 : this state takes the current BAS *
- ;;* data value and rearranges it for subsequent calculation *
- ;;* of the error correction bits which are to be transmitted *
- ;;* in the next H221 frame. The BAS data is rearraged into the *
- ;;* following format : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a *
- ;;* s s s s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <------ erc calc store -------> *
- ;;* BAS/ERC_store *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 26/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;***********************************************************************
- erc_calc_0 move x:bas_data,a ; get current BAS word
- clr b ; prepare b acc. for store
- do #8,bas_re_arrange
- ror a ; bas bit into carry
- rol b ; carry into b1 lsb
- bas_re_arrange asr4 b
- asr4 b ; shift re-arranged BAS bits
- move b0,x:bas_store ; into b0 and store
- move #erc_calc_1,r1 ; new next state
- rts
- ;;**************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Erc Calc State 1 : This state takes the latest *
- ;;* rearranged bas data and calculates the ERC error correction *
- ;;* bits for transmission in the next frame. The structure used *
- ;;* is as indicated below : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* b b b b b b b b *
- ;;* a a a a a a a a *
- ;;* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y y y y y y y y s s s s s s s s *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <--------------- a1 ----------------> <------------- a0 -- *
- ;;* *
- ;;* For the correct polynomial division (i.e. generator polynomial *
- ;;* g(x) == x8 + x7 + x6 + x4 + x2 + x + 1) the equations required *
- ;;* are *
- ;;* + == modulo 2 addition @ y1 == y8 + bas 0 *
- ;;* @ == next clock value @ y2 == y8 + y1 *
- ;;* y8 == output @ y3 == y8 + y2 *
- ;;* @ y5 == y8 + y4 *
- ;;* @ y7 == y8 + y6 *
- ;;* @ y8 == y8 + y7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;**************************************************************************
- erc_calc_1 move #bas_store,r2
- move #erc_calc_2,r1
- move r2,x:(r2+7) ; store pointer
- move x:(r2),a ; set up a accumulator for erc
- move a0,x:(r2+4) ; clear reference count
- move a0,x:(r2+5) ; store a accumulator set-up
- move a1,x:(r2+6) ; for next state
- rts
- erc_calc_2 move x:r2_temp,r2 ; recall pointer
- ; the storage structure used
- ; for this routine is as below
- ; ****************************
- ;
- ; bas_store ds 1
- ; mask dc $00d7
- ; erc_ref_val dc 0
- ; dc 16
- ; count_check ds 1
- ; temp_erc ds 2
- ; r2_temp ds 1
- ; erc_store ds 1
- ;
- ;*****************************
- clr a ; clear accumulators for loop
- clr b x:(r2+1),x0 ; load generator polynomial mask
- ; into x0
- move x:(r2+5),a ; restore crc division data into
- move x:(r2+6),a0 ; accumulator a
- bfclr #$0080,a1 ; test & clear last output bit,
- tcc x0,b ; the result sets current mask
- asl a b,y1 ; in b. shift crc before eor'ing ; and new mask in y1
- eor y1,a x:(r2+4),b ; update crc storage bits and
- ; get loop count value in b
- move x:(r2+3),y0 ; max. loop count of 16 in y0
- move a1,x:(r2+5) ; store crc division data into
- ; memory
- inc24 b a0,x:(r2+6) ; increment loop count compare
- cmp y0,b b,x:(r2+4) ; with max and save new count
- blt <end_erc_calc ; if not complete, repeat state
- move a1,x:(r2+8) ; store calculated ERC bits
- move #tx_odd_state,r1 ; new next state pointer
- end_erc_calc rts
- ;;****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Transmit Odd State : This state tranmits the multiframe *
- ;;* alignment bits in their correct order in bit position 1 of every *
- ;;* odd frame *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 26/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;****************************************************************************
- tx_odd_state move x:tx_ref_count_ptr,r2 ; latest ref. count pointer
- move x:isdn_count_tx,b ; current isdn count in b
- move x:(r2+9),x0 ; odd frame ref. count in x0
- cmp x0,b ; compare ref. and actual and
- blt <end_tx_odd_state ; if not odd frame yet repeat
- ; state
- move x:mfaw_data,y0 ; stored multiframe align word
- move x:mfaw_store,a ; H221 loop variable multiframe
- ; word
- move #80,x1 ; are we at frame 1 again ?
- cmp x1,b x:(r2)+,y1 ; compare and update pointer
- ; for next time
- teq y0,a ; yes, refresh multiframe word
- ; in a
- move x:is_shft,b ; current isdn byte in b
- ror b ; shift lsb into carry
- bftsth #$0001,a1 ; test the current multiframe
- rol b ; alignment bit and rotate carry
- move b1,x:is_shft ; into isdn byte lsb, which sets
- asr a ; or resets it accordingly
- move a1,x:mfaw_store ; store the current multiframe
- ; variable
- move r2,x:tx_ref_count_ptr ; store the update pointer
- move #faw_end_state,r1 ; next state pointer
- end_tx_odd_state rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* Faw Complete state : This state completes the frame *
- ;;* alignment word for the current submultiframe. All it has to do is *
- ;;* set the lsb of the current isdn transmit byte. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 26/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- faw_end_state move #is_shft,r2 ; current isdn byte ptr in r2
- move #mfaw_faw_valid,r1 ; next state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; set lsb of byte
- rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* MFAW FAW Valid State : This state checks whether the latest *
- ;;* multiframe and frame alignment signals have been received correctly. *
- ;;* The current isdn tx lsb will be set accordingly. This transmission *
- ;;* corresponds to bit A of the H221 protocol. *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 27/9/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- mfaw_faw_valid move #crc_tx_test,r1 ; next state
- move x:control_word,y0 ; control word in x0
- move x:is_shft,a ; current isdn byte
- inc a ; set a0 lsb to '1'
- ror a a0,x0 ; lsb in carry & eor mask in x0
- bftsth #$6000,y0 ; test for frame and
- rol a ; multiframe alignment, new a1
- eor x0,a ; change H221 lsb in a1
- move a1,x:is_shft ; and store new isdn lsb
- rts
- ;;****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC Tx Test State : This state transmits the relevant *
- ;;* crc bits in their respective positions in the current frame *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 26/9/90 & 14/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 & 1.1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;****************************************************************************
- crc_tx_test move #control_word,r2 ; control word pointer in r2
- move #is_shft,r3 ; current isdn byte pointer in
- ; r3
- bftsth #$0002,x:(r2) ; test crc_tx enable in control
- ; word, if disabled then send
- bcs crc_tx_enabled ; appropriate H221 data
- bfclr #$0001,x:(r3) ; bit E set to zero
- move #disable_crc_0,r1 ; next state
- move #disable_crc_1,x0 ; next crc disabled pointer
- move x0,x:disable_crc_ptr
- rts
- disable_crc_0 move x:disable_crc_ptr,r3 ; restore next disable crc ptr
- move #is_shft,r2 ; current isdn byte in x1
- jsr r3 ; jump to next disable crc state
- move r3,x:disable_crc_ptr ; store pointer
- rts
- disable_crc_1 move #disable_crc_2,r3 ; next disable state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; crc bit set to '1'
- rts
- disable_crc_2 move #disable_crc_3,r3 ; next disable state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; crc bit set to '1'
- rts
- disable_crc_3 move #disable_crc_4,r3 ; next disable state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; crc bit set to '1'
- rts
- disable_crc_4 move #erc_tx_state,r1 ; next disable state
- bfset #$0001,x:(r2) ; crc bit set to '1'
- rts
- crc_tx_enabled move #enable_crc_0,r1 ; next state
- move x:is_shft,a ; current isdn byte in x1, lsb
- ror a ; of current isdn byte in carry
- ; test if the last received crc
- bftsth #$0800,x:(r2) ; was in error. ( control word
- ; pointer still in r2 )
- rol a ; replace current isdn lsb with
- move a1,x:is_shft ; result of test and store
- move #enable_crc_1,x0 ; set up next crc tx state ptr.
- move x0,x:enable_crc_ptr
- rts ; updated isdn transmit byte
- enable_crc_0 move x:enable_crc_ptr,r3 ; get crc tx state pointer
- move x:is_shft,a ; current isdn byte in x1
- ror a ; lsb of current isdn byte
- move x:tx_crc_data,x0 ; in carry
- jsr r3
- rol a ; replace current isdn lsb with
- move a1,x:is_shft ; result of test and store
- move r3,x:enable_crc_ptr ; store next crc tx state ptr.
- rts
- enable_crc_1 move #enable_crc_2,r3 ; set up next crc state pointer
- bftsth #$0080,x0 ; test crc msb
- rts
- enable_crc_2 move #enable_crc_3,r3 ; set up next crc state pointer
- bftsth #$0040,x0 ; test crc bit
- rts
- enable_crc_3 move #enable_crc_4,r3 ; set up next crc state pointer
- bftsth #$0020,x0 ; test crc bit
- rts
- enable_crc_4 move #erc_tx_state,r1 ; set up next tx state pointer
- bftsth #$0010,x0 ; test crc lsb
- rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* ERC Transmit State : This is the final state of the *
- ;;* odd frame transmit H221 sequence. It takes the result of the last *
- ;;* BAS division crc and transmits the calculated ERC bits in their *
- ;;* respective time slots within the H221 structure. The stucture of *
- ;;* the ERC storage is as below : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* e e e e e e e e *
- ;;* r r r r r r r r *
- ;;* x x x x x x x x c c c c c c c c *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* <-------- ERC Storage --------> *
- ;;* erc_store *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 27/9/90 &12/10/90 *
- ;;* Version : 1.0 & 1.1 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- erc_tx_state move #erc_tx_0,r1 ; set-up pointers and storage
- move #erc_tx_1,x0
- move x0,x:erc_state_ptr
- erc_tx_0 move x:erc_state_ptr,r3 ; restore erc state pointer
- move x:is_shft,a ; current isdn byte in a
- ror a ; lsb into carry
- move x:erc_store,x0 ; latest calc. ERC bits in x0
- jsr r3 ; jump to latest erc tx state
- rol a ; and shift result into a1
- move a1,x:is_shft ; re-store modified isdn byte
- move r3,x:erc_state_ptr ; store erc state pointer
- rts
- erc_tx_1 move #erc_tx_2,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0020,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_2 move #erc_tx_3,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0040,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_3 move #erc_tx_4,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0080,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_4 move #erc_tx_5,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0008,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_5 move #erc_tx_6,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0010,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_6 move #erc_tx_7,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0004,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_7 move #erc_tx_8,r3 ; next erc tx state ptr in r3
- bftsth #$0002,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- erc_tx_8 move #tx_state_0,r1 ; next tx state ptr in r1
- bftsth #$0001,x0 ; test bit in erc store
- rts
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;;* *
- ;;* CRC performance check for the ISDN 64 kbps channel *
- ;;* Data structure used ; *
- ;;* *
- ;;* | a1 | a1 | a0 | *
- ;;* *
- ;;* 0 0 0 y x xd1xd2xd3xd4xd5xd6xd7 x xd1xd2xd3xd4xd5xd6xd7 *
- ;;* * * *
- ;;* output states penultimate ISDN data last data rx *
- ;;* y ir(N-1) ir(N) *
- ;;* *
- ;;* d == single state delay *
- ;;* * == bits to be x'ored *
- ;;* y4 == output and crc result msb *
- ;;* @ == after next clock i.e. next left shift *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Equations governing the crc operation are as below : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* @ x == y + xd1 *
- ;;* @ xd3 == y + xd4 *
- ;;* *
- ;;* The CRC equation for the ISDN line check is : *
- ;;* *
- ;;* y(d)/x(d) == g(d) == d4/(1+d+d4) *
- ;;* *
- ;;* Date : 27/9/90 *
- ;;* 29/4/91 *
- ;;* Version : 1.8 *
- ;;* 1.9 *
- ;;* *
- ;;*****************************************************************************
- ;; Optimised storage set_up : isdn_count_tx ds 1
- ;; tx_crc_store ds 1
- ;; dc 0
- ;; dc 8
- ;; is ds 1
- ;; tx_crc_value_2 dc 12
- ;; dc $0090
- ;; tx_crc_data ds 1
- crc_tx move #isdn_count_tx,r3 ; optimised storage pointer
- move x:tx_crc_cnt_ptr,r2 ; crc count comparison pointer
- move x:(r3)+,b ; current isdn count in b
- move x:(r3)+,a ; last crc storage value in a
- move x:(r3)+,y0 ; zero reference in y0
- move x:(r2)+n2,x1 x:(r3)+,x0 ; current ref. count in x1
- ; default loop count in x0
- cmp x1,b x:(r2+50),x1 ; first byte of new
- ; submultiframe ?
- ; last byte of smf, count in x1
- bne <tx_smf_not_done
- cmp y0,b x:(r2)+,y1 ; first byte of multiframe ?
- ; update reference counter in y1
- bne <tx_cnt_not_zero ; no, then branch
- move #crc_count,r2 ; yes, restore count pointer,
- tx_cnt_not_zero move a1,x:tx_crc_data ; store final crc result,
- move x:is_shft,a ; isdn data byte in a
- ; this provides the d4 multiply
- bra <crc_loop_tx ; function in crc generator eqn.
- ; wait for next intrupt for crc
- tx_smf_not_done move x:(r3)+,a0 ; new isdn data in here to a0
- move x:(r2+34),y1 ; crc bit tx, lower window count
- cmp y1,b x:(r2+42),y1 ; is current count in window
- blt <out_window_tx ; less than, then branch
- cmp y1,b ; upper window reference compare
- bgt <out_window_tx ; greater than, then branch
- bfclr #$0100,a0 ; if in crc window clear latest
- ; isdn lsb bit then perform crc
- out_window_tx cmp x1,b x:(r3)+,y0 ; last count in present block ?
- ; update pointer for next time.
- tne x0,b ; appropriate loop count
- teq y0,b ; in b1
- swap b ; loop count in b0, b1 is clear
- tfr3 b,y0 x:(r3)+,x0 ; clear y0 for crc loop,
- ; crc mask 2 in x0
- do b0,crc_loop_tx ; do loop b0 times
- bfclr #$0080,a1 ; test & clear last output,
- tcc x0,b ; set mask as a result of test
- asl a b,y1 ; new mask in y1, shift bits
- eor y1,a y0,b ; before eor, perform modulo 2
- ; of a1 bits and clear b
- crc_loop_tx move a1,x:tx_crc_store ; save CRC data for next rx
- move r2,x:tx_crc_cnt_ptr ; save reference count pointer
- rts
- ;nolist